RPSEdit – Role Playing System Editor

Documentation version 1.0 ,  2003-10-17

The Currency dialog is used to specify the currency system within the given RPS.
You can enter as many currency units
as you wish, but each system has at least one basic unit.
This unit is called "currency unit" by default, but can be altered.
When you select an entry from the list, it is displayed in the two fields and can be altered.
Enter the name of the currency unit in the left unit field.
You can add a common abbreviation for the unit after its name if you put it in between { } bracets.
Enter the value of the unit in terms of basic units ito the second multiplicator field.
Use the Add button to save/update the entry.
Use the --- button to remove an entry from the list. (You can not remove the basic unit!)


"Create a currency system with black, white and red stones, where one black stone is equal to13 white stones, and one red stone equal to 3 black stones."

First: The currency unit is the only unit in the list and currently selected. In the unit field enter: "white stone {white}". Hit the Add button.

Second: In the unit field enter: "black stone {black}" and in the multiplicator field enter: "13". Hit the Add button.

Third: In the unit field enter: "red stone {red}" and in the multiplicator field enter: "39" (beause its 3 blacks, which is 3*13=39 whites). Hit the Add button.